




  • 產品名稱:便攜式三相電能表檢定裝置

  • 產品型號:YM-3B型
  • 產品廠商:康登電氣科技有限公司
  • 產品價格:0
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JYM-3B型便攜式三相電能表檢定裝置英文版JYM-3B portable equipment for three-phase electrical energy meter is my company after on the basis of original products, improve and upgrade to the launch of a new portable


JYM-3B portable equipment for three-phase electrical energy meter is my company after on the basis of original products, improve and upgrade to the launch of a new portable instrument, it adopts the embedded system, CPLD and high precision A/D technology and development, standard and standard source of highly integrated, digital closed loop, small volume light weight, not only can be used as a standard source of high precision, and can be used as electric energy meter calibration device, can be used to check various single camera (three) mechanical, electronic, multifunctional electric energy meter and intelligent electric meter, products comply with the "JJG307-2012 electronic energy meter verification regulation", which can be widely used in Metrology Center, power companies, Electric Power Research Institute, electrical testing center and all kinds of measurement test, R & D center and other institutions.


All electrical parameters are regarded as standards of the loop output signal, high precision standards and standard source integration design, covering all the functions of the standard source and can output high precision pure sine wave voltage, current, phase, frequency, power, power factor, etc. of electrical parameters signal, built-in high precision standard electric energy meter;

Can be used to test a variety of single (three) phase electronic, mechanical energy meter, multi-function electric energy meter, multi rate watt hour meter, all kinds of electric energy acquisition module, the use of electric collection terminal and other measurement terminal products.

Electric energy cumulative, go test, black label, starting and creeping test range of standard features, can be used to verify the absence of pulse output electric energy meter or meter.

Can arbitrarily set or set required voltage, current, frequency, phase and amplitude value and the flexibility to choose the parameter test and arbitrary regulation set by the magnitude of the, and 2-51 high precision harmonic output, convenient for harmonic test.

The instrument has the function of limiting current protection, power amplifier protection, voltage short circuit protection, current circuit protection, power amplifier thermal protection, etc., can prevent the instrument from all kinds of operation or abnormal situation caused by fault.

The instrument can store 200 sets of electrical energy meter test data, through the RS232 interface and the computer management software can be easily connected with the computer to achieve intelligent operation.

AC voltage output: adjust the fineness: 0.01%RG; resolution: 6 effective number

Accuracy: it is better than 0.05%RG; the stability is better than 0.01%RG/1min

Distortion: better than 0.3% (non capacitive load)

Output power: 20VA

File settings: 57.7V, 100 V, 220V, 380V, internal automatic shift switch;

AC current output: adjust the fineness: 0.01%RG; resolution: 6 effective number

Accuracy: the stability is better than 0.05%RG; the stability is better than 0.01% /1min RG

Distortion: better than 0.3%; output power: 20VA.

File settings: 0.2A, 1A, 5A, 20A, 60A (100A), automatic shift switch;

Power output: accuracy: better than 0.05%RG; stability: better than 0.01%/1min. Resolution: 6 bit active power, reactive power, apparent power

Device accuracy: 0.1; 0.05.

Power factor: adjustment range: -1 ~ 0 ~ +1; resolution: 0.00001; accuracy: 0.0005.

Phase adjustment range: 0 to 359.99 degrees, resolution: 0.001 degree accuracy: 0.02

Frequency adjustment range: 45Hz ~ 70Hz resolution: 0.001Hz

Harmonics can be accurately output from 2 to 51 times of harmonic; harmonic accuracy: a grade

Device pulse constant: 24000000 x 5/In

Power supply: single phase 220V 50/60Hz, AC.

Specification; 500*600*178mm; weight: 27Kg.


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